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Benefits of Membership


I HAD TO create this membership after seeing the tectonic shifts that have happened for the people that have given me the absolute pleasure of facilitating their commitment to themselves. I’ve helped people transition out of numbing themselves, performing identities,  + living in anxiety and grief over not showing up as who they really are. I’ve watched them realize what’s holding them back + sever ties with the bullshit.

We get one life (in this body) it should be one that we choose.


Energy work is major because it addresses ALL parts of you- what you’ve buried, your thoughts, feelings, your body.

Channeling work is major because it gives us answers we couldn’t get ANY OTHER WAY - whether I’m dropping into your past life, getting messages from loved ones who’ve crossed over or just straight up getting downloads from Source itself- it’s support that can’t be accessed any other way.


I, myself am major because I wake up everyday embodied in my beliefs of the potential of not only you, but my role in supporting you to be fully expressed, empowered + embodied.


It’s my deepest + longest-lasting passion to support you in unearthing your immense power to show up as who you actually are -energy work, channeling, empathy + pleasure are my tools. Let’s cry, laugh, metaphysically travel + Grow you like a gorgeous rose.  

Experience what it feels like to commit to you, yourself + you for the betterment of your life, your mind body connection + your relationship not only with yourself but with everyone around you. A wild thing happens when we stop talking about taking action in caring for ourselves + actually DO IT!


Before we get into it, please know that this membership is available for those that can do in-person as well as remote sessions. The power of energy, focus + transformation cannot be contained + does not require being together physically. You can also choose to do both if you’ll be near sometimes + far sometimes.



This membership includes:​

  • 1 discounted monthly 90 minute energy healing + channeled guidance session ​

This is a full intuitive energy session, complete with channeled information specifically for you.  It is whatever you need it to be. We fill up the room with you + whatever you are or aren't going through. We get you on the table + we flush it all out energetically, then we debrief, realign + piece the puzzle together of what support you need to grow in the here + now.

The usual cost for this session is $165, while the membership cost is $135.

  • unlimited discounted additional sessions

If you are committing to your selfwork with this membership, I give a big kudos + thank you to you for knowing that it all starts w you. To show my support of that massive movement you’re creating in this ocean of beings-any additional sessions will be even more discounted than the membership rate at $120-that’s a total of $60 off original price. I’m here to support + encourage the change this world needs + that happens person by person engaging more in their lives + that’s what this work does. So, let’s do it.

  • the option to share with your family

Have you had 6 months of sessions + can’t stop talking about it to your mom? Let her take your next month’s session OR your additional session for an even more discounted rate (see above)! What did I say about spreading this work + shift in our world? It still stands when we’re sharing it with the people around us. I’d love to help your loved ones break down their blockages. I smell some improved relationships on the horizon.

  • discounts on events

As a member you get 10% off all events. There's a LOT coming up + you will be the first to know about it all as a member.

  • discounts on products

As a member you you get 10% off any + all Manifest products. Go to our MEDICINES page to see what’s currently in stock, and there’s more to come soon. 

  • rollover sessions

If you have to miss your monthly session – you can roll it over + double up in the next month.

Please be sure to read the Terms + Conditions so you're able to fully understand how to book your sessions, how you'll be billed + all the other lush, earthy details that we need as our foundation for the exquisite liftoff into majorly shifting + living for ourselves.

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(C) Manifest Reiki + Herbs | All Rights Reserved

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